Artikel lesen → Alfresco Bulk Import : Version 6, cm:content support and beyond Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2018I extended the excellent Alfresco Bulk Import tool to play with Alfresco 6 and support cm:content properties. More wishes came up along the way. I’d like to know where the community wants things headed.
Artikel lesen → So Nobody is selling WordPress Themes with Sources? Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 21. März 2018WordPress theme choice is endless. There are offerings addressing people who don’t care about code and just want a beautiful site out quickly, and there are frameworks like Genesis and starter kits like Sage aiming at developers. There appears to be a match for everybody – except us. How we used to look for a Theme From time to time, …
Artikel lesen → Cloud first Uneasiness in Contentland Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 19. Februar 2018All the services are going Cloud first. For good reason. The Cloud can scale things – revenue included. But Cloud first has various consequences downstream. This post is about consequences making people feel uneasy and what can be done about it.
Artikel lesen → Alfresco for SMBs: Fresh Challenges Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 5. Februar 20185. Februar 2018Alfresco recently announced a lot of big changes coming in our way. In this post, I’d like to focus and add my two cents to those which are likely relevant and “not so great” if you fall into the category of small and medium sized businesses operating Alfresco on premise.
Artikel lesen → How I became sceptical about Enterprise Open Source Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2017Does Enterprise Open Source actually work? It really depends on what you expect to get out of it. Some of my expectations have been wrong – for a long time. I have been disappointed. ?
Artikel lesen → Protonet insolvent: Was wird mit Box und Daten? Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 10. Februar 2017Protonet ist insolvent. Was wird aus meiner Box und meinen Daten? Welche Wege gibt es? Wir sagen es euch! :)