Artikel lesen → WordPress : A Java Fanboys Red Pill Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 15. April 201312. Januar 2014I have been a Java Fanboy since its early days. I considered PHP a toy language for script kiddies, avoided it as much as possible and addressed problems with my golden hammer JVM instead. Revisiting today, it can actually be even ridiculous to pick a JVM based solution instead of PHP. This post is about one common case – a public website.
Artikel lesen → Alfresco WCM Directions considered harmful Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 21. Mai 201212. Januar 2014Alfresco WCM may be the most volatile part of the product. This post is about harmful effects of changes and choice.
Artikel lesen → Extending Alfresco FormService with Optimistic Locking Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 21. Februar 201211. Mai 2016Optimistic locking is a commonly used concurrency control method for web applications. It is so frequently needed that frameworks such as Grails use it by default. Alfresco FormService does not support it out of the box. This may cause unexpected results. This post outlines an approach to change the system in order to get something “close to” optimistic locking behavior.
Artikel lesen → Is Alfresco Surf a Portal Alternative ? Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 27. Oktober 200912. Januar 2014Alfresco Surf technically looks quite similar to a portal (as in JSR 186/286). Can it serve as a replacement ? What’s similar and what’s different ?
Artikel lesen → Alfresco WCM Experiences Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 12. Oktober 200912. Januar 2014We were always interested in web content mangement. Alfresco appeared on our radar in 2007. Its technical foundation looked very solid so we had a first closer look at its WCM capabilities. At the end of 2008 an alfresco WCM prospect approached us and we had our second look …
Die eigene Website (2009) Andreas Steffan · Veröffentlicht am 6. Mai 200913. Januar 2014Ein Thema was viel zu lange liegengeblieben ist weil Kundenprojekte immer Vorrang hatten. Die Geschichte unserer Site …